Team Building Johannesburg in a Survivor at Gold Reef City

Survivor Team Building at Gold Reef City
Our Survivor Team Building at Gold Reef City is an affordable team building event in Johannesburg and include access to all Thrill Rides. Survivor Team Building Activities include our Survivor Challenge, Golden Six Thrill Rides, and a Treasure Hunt for Bonus Points. Enjoy more Thrill Rides at leisure after lunch.
09h00 Arrival Coffee & Giant Muffins
Park at the Theme Park Hotel Entrance. Sign in at Gate #3 (Theme Park Hotel Entrance). Find your way to the Golden Amphitheatre.
09h20 Ice Breakers and Dividing Teams
We will divide the teams, ±10 people per team works great.
09h30 Gold Reef City String Bags
Same colour for each team
09h30 Survivor Team Building Gold Reef City
Teams have to race from “one island” to the “next island”, and without feet touching the “water” (grass). This is a race against the whistle, and teams get points for each person that landed on an “island”. This event is soaked with adrenaline – however, the obstacle course is only 50 meters long. Our Survivor Games include the Carpet Race, Plank Race, Sack Race, Bubble Wrap Race, and Island Hopping.
- Carpet Race – teams have to jump forward in sync to propel to the next “island”.
- Plank Race – everybody have to walk in sync to the next “island”.
- Sack Race – try and get as many people across in one sack.
- Bubble Wrap Race – teams climb in a huge conveyor belt made from Bubble Wrap, and have to walk in sync to the next “island”.
- Island Hopping – each team only get a few carpets, and must walk across by stepping only on the carpets. Meaning, the last person in the line must always pass the last carpet to the front to keep the motion going.
11h00 Refreshment Break
11h10 The Golden Six Thrill Rides
The Golden Six Thrill Rides - teams have to fierce the Top 6 rides; Anaconda, Golden Loop, Miners Revenge, Dream Boat, High Flying Maverick and the Storm Chaser. After lunch, you can go on more rides at leisure.
12h00 Treasure Hunt (Bonus Points)
Each team get a Treasure Map, and the treasures are market with Invisible Ink. You also get an UV Torch. Find as many of these treasures for bonus points.
12h30 Built-a-Burger
Boys and Girls, these are huge Tsogo Sun burgers, a choice between beef and chicken, served with salad and fries. In the TV series “Survivor”, the winning team always wins a burger – not a buffet! One Soft Drink per person. Soft drinks include 340ml Coke, Sprite etc.
13h00 Winners Announced and Thrill Rides at Leisure
Cash bar at Barney's. The Theme Park closes at 17h00
Survivor Team Building Gold Reef City
Survivor Team Building Gold Reef City is a race against time and skill, and the team with the most points will be crowned the winner. The Survivor Team Building at Gold Reef City have some physical requirements, but is fit for all ages. Survivor Gold Reef City is the Top Survivor Team Building Activity in Johannesburg. More team building activities at Gold Reef City include the Amazing Race, Escape Room, and Potjiekos Competitions.