Team Building Muldersdrift

09h00 - Coffee and Muffins
Ice Breakers and Fun Group Activities
Dividing Teams ±10pp/team.
The entire group stand in a circle and everybody get a number. All the “number 1’s” would be in a team, and all the “number 2’s” in another team, etc. Allow about ten people per team.
Amazing Race Silverstar Casino
Our Amazing Race consist of three legs. Teams have to take selfies of Imaginary Background (i.e. Donald Trump), solve a puzzle, and find an iconic venue at Silverstar Casino.
11h00 - Refreshments at the Food Court and Soft Drinks or Bottle Water
Ten Pin Bowling
Teams compete in Ten Pin Bowling at the Magic Company. Including a bottle water.
Treasure Hunt
Each team get an UV Torch, and have to find clues written with Invisible Ink. Clues include riddles and puzzles, and one clue leads to another – pretty much like the Hollywood blockbuster “Da Vinci Code” - ☼♤☩♡ ⊕ ♬☆ ➾ ☏
13h00 - Lunch Buffet at the Billy G Restaurant at Silverstar Casino
Guests can enjoy a variety of hot and cold starters, main courses and desserts. Soft Drink include 340ml Coke, Sprite, etc.
- Vegetarian and Vegan dish from the buffet
- Halal Meals - ordered on arrival from ANANT menu (anything), or bring your own Halaal Meals.
Winners Announced and Depart at Leisure