New Ride Gold Reef City - every Saturday
Saturday Treasure Hunt at Gold Reef City
09h00 – Arrival Coffee and Pastries09h30 – Thrill Rides at Leisure
Thrill Rides include Anaconda, Dream Boat, Golden Loop, Jozi Express, Miners Revenge, UFO, Flying Maverick, Big Wheel, Tower of Terror , and the new Storm Chaser etc.
11h00 - Brunch Buffet at Barney’s (Hotel Restaurant)
A typical Tsogo Sun Buffet, including a Cereal Table, Cheese Table, Omelets Grill, and a Buffet. Halaal Meals ordered from Barcelos on arrival - (011 248 6907)
±11h45 – Treasure Hunt
Each team get an UV Torch, and have to find clues written with Invisible Ink. Clues include riddles and puzzles, and one clue leads to another – pretty much like the Hollywood blockbuster “Da Vinci Code” - ☼♤☩♡ ⊕ ♬☆ ➾ ☏.
13h00 – Watch 4D Movies, and enjoy some more Thrill Rides at Leisure
The Theme Park closes at 17h00